Protecting Your Pets

Protecting Your Pets

Things To Know Before Buying A Lab Puppy

Deanna Vasquez

Labrador retrievers, often known as labs, can be wonderful dogs. They're known for being kind and friendly, easy to train, and relatively healthy overall. However, like any breed, labs do have some intricacies. Here are a few things you should know before you buy a lab puppy.

Lab puppies can be costly.

Since labs are so popular, you might figure they would be inexpensive. But a well-bred lab from a reputable breeder can cost just as much as a dog of a more specialized breed. If you do want a top-quality lab to breed or participate in sports with, then you should be prepared to pay. However, if you're on a tight budget, you can often find a lab that is not show quality for less. The puppy may not meet color standards and may not win at a show, but it is still likely to have other great lab qualities, such as trainability and a good personality.

Colors are just colors.

People often refer to black labs, chocolate labs, and yellow labs as if they are different breeds. But they are not. All labs are the same breed, but chocolate, black, and yellow are just the three colors that labs come in. Some people prefer one color over the others, and that is totally okay. But other than color, yellow, chocolate, and black labs share other characteristics such as personality, trainability, and health. Some breeders only breed one color, but others do intermix colors and have litters with multiple colors.

Labs do need socialization.

Labs are easy dogs to train, but that does not mean you should skip training steps such as puppy classes. While you may be able to train a lab quite effectively at home, labs also need to socialize with other dogs and people when they are young. These classes are a good opportunity to do that, so don't count them out just because you choose an easy-to-train lab pup.

Health checks are important, too.

Labradors do tend to be a healthy breed, but this doesn't mean you should not make sure the breeder has done all necessary health checks on the puppies and parents. You want to see that the puppy has been checked over by the vet for any underlying joint disorders or abnormalities.

A lab can be a wonderful addition to your family. Hopefully the information above serves you well as you search for your perfect pup.

Contact a professional to learn more about lab puppies


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Protecting Your Pets

My husband’s mom absolutely adores playing with her pets. She currently has 2 dogs and 12 cats. Every day she spends at least two hours feeding and caring for her animals. My mother-in-law keeps a couple of her cats inside of her home. The rest of her animals aren’t allowed inside the house. However, this sweet lady always ensures they’re warm during the harsh winter months. Each of the canines have a spacious dog house to lounge in. At night, my mother-in-law places her cats in an old shed. Whenever one of her pets displays the signs of a potential illness, she immediately takes him or her to a nearby veterinarian. On this blog, I hope you will discover tips to help you protect your beloved pets from harm.