Protecting Your Pets

Protecting Your Pets

  • Service Dogs: 3 Things You Need To Know

    If you have health issues, then you may find there are times when you could use some help. If the help you require could be done by a dog, and you have a dog you feel would be capable of learning and doing these things, then you may want to make them a service dog. If this is the case, then you want to read the information in this article so you learn the things you need to know regarding service dogs and how to make your own dog one.

  • Thinking About Getting A Lizard? Which Breeds Are Best

    When you are thinking about getting a new pet for your home, the idea of getting a lizard may have come up. If you are seriously contemplating buying a lizard, there are many factors to consider in the decision-making process. One of the most important decisions you will have to make is which type or breed of lizard will be the best option for you and your home. Get to know more about some of the breeds of lizard available as pets.

  • Tips To Trim-Down Chubby Canines

    Is your service or support-dog getting pudgy? Even a few extra pounds can impact your dog's energy-level, mood, and personality; keep them fit and trim so that they can live a long and adventurous life! Try making some simple lifestyle changes that can help your canine take off a few pounds. Some tips to help trim-down your dog include: Change their food. Change your dog's food to a fortified, nutrient-rich kibble that will keep them feeling full.

  • Reasons Why You Should Consider Acupuncture For Your Dog

    If you own a dog, there is a good chance that you want him or her to be as comfortable and as healthy as possible. This will allow your pet to lead a good, full life. However, there are some ailments that modern medication can't fully treat. You might not know where to go if your dog seems to be experiencing chronic pain. One option that you might not have yet explored is acupuncture.

  • Three Reasons NOT To Cross-Breed Different Labrador Dogs

    Purebred dogs are bred to keep certain desirable characteristics of a breed within the same line and breed of dog. When you cross-breed dogs, you are never quite certain what you will get. Even cross-breeding closely-related breeds, such as the golden Labrador, black Labrador, and chocolate Labrador can have some unexpected and unwanted results. If you enter the world of lab puppy breeders, make sure the breeder is not cross-breeding willy-nilly.

2024© Protecting Your Pets
About Me
Protecting Your Pets

My husband’s mom absolutely adores playing with her pets. She currently has 2 dogs and 12 cats. Every day she spends at least two hours feeding and caring for her animals. My mother-in-law keeps a couple of her cats inside of her home. The rest of her animals aren’t allowed inside the house. However, this sweet lady always ensures they’re warm during the harsh winter months. Each of the canines have a spacious dog house to lounge in. At night, my mother-in-law places her cats in an old shed. Whenever one of her pets displays the signs of a potential illness, she immediately takes him or her to a nearby veterinarian. On this blog, I hope you will discover tips to help you protect your beloved pets from harm.